Tiger Coatings

TIGER Coatings has been developing lacquers for nearly a century. In 1950-1970 the main focus was the liquid coating industry but since 1970 powder coatings have presented the main market for TIGER Coatings. Today, the total revenue of TIGER Coatings Austria is about 100 Million € with a high export rate. Powder coatings alone present 95 % of these total sales. The worldwide revenue of Tiger is estimated to be about 210 Mio. € in 2014. The first inkjet inks were developed in 2007 and since 2011 the inkjet development represents an own TIGER business unit with an estimated revenue of 1,6 Million € in 2014.
TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co. KG is owned by two co-operations, the Kurt Berghofer GmbH and the Gabriele Buchner-Berghofer GmbH. The TIGER Coatings executive GmbH manages the company without being part of the partnership assets. In regard to our products and service we also would like to refer to our homepage: www.tigercoatings.com.

TIGER is responsible for the development of ceramic based inkjet inks or master batches, the technical characterization of the inks, the jetability and the design-transfer process of the developed inks to the production.

Tiger Coatings
Negrellistraße 36,
4600 Wels, Austria