The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) was founded in October 2009 by a merger of the Karlsruhe Research Centre and the University of Karlsruhe. The University of Karlsruhe was founded in 1825 as a Polytechnical School and has developed to a modern location of research and education in natural sciences, engineering, economics, social sciences, and the humanities. The Karlsruhe Research Centre was founded in 1956 as the Nuclear Reactor Construction and Operation Company and has turned into a multidisciplinary large-scale research centre of the Helmholtz Association, which conducts research under eleven scientific and engineering programs.
KIT is one of 17 members of the German Helmholtz Association (HGF), with more than 31.000 employees and an annual budget of approx. 3.1 billion Euro. With over 200 professors, 9.400 employees, more than 24.500 students and an annual budget of 795 million Euro, KIT is Germany’s largest National Research Centre. KIT consists of 140 institutes and is operating along the three strategic fields of action of research, teaching and innovation. The scientists in KIT are supported by an excellent and world unique scientific infrastructure. Within the Research Fields “Energy” and “Key Technologies” KIT competence covers the areas of energy storage systems, biotechnology and nanotechnology, micro- and nano-electronics, optics and photonics, microsystems, and materials technology as well as information technology.
KIT combines the tasks of a university of the state of Baden-Württemberg with those of a research centre of the Helmholtz Association in the areas of research, teaching, and innovation. The KIT merger represents the consistent continuation of a long-standing close cooperation of two research and education institutions rich in tradition.
KIT is responsible for the coordination of requirement definition at the beginning of the project, the development of ceramic nanoparticle enhanced inks and nano-safety assessment.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT
Kaiserstrasse 12,
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany